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Phonics Evening

On Tuesday evening, parents of Reception and Nursery children joined staff for a lesson in Read, Write, Inc phonics. The evening was designed to teach a phonics lesson to parents in the same way we would teach the children. We looked at early phonics, early mark-making,

communication, language and physical development in the Nursery years and the importance of reading and singing Nursery rhymes from birth. We then looked at how these gross motor skills help to develop the fine motor skills needed for writing later on in Reception. We practised the pure sounds of the phonemes (letter when sounded out) modelled blending and segmenting sounds to make words. We looked at the ditties used to support writing the grapheme (letter when written) in the correct way for joined up writing later on.

Ideas for shared reading were discussed and the importance of children being able to retell a story in their own words.

Thank you to all the parents who attended. We hope it was a useful evening.

In the words of Strictly...Keeeeeeep reading!


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