On Tuesday 19th of November, the Year 5 and 6 netball team went to Ashperton to play two matches against Ledbury and Bosbury. Our first match was against Bosbury. After a promising start, where we were leading 1-0, sadly Bosbury managed to sneak in a few goals. Despite trying our best to catch them, the final score was 5-2 to Bosbury.
Undaunted, we then prepared to face Ledbury. This was a match of injuries for Cradley. One player had to be taken off and sent home early with finger damage (thankfully not broken) and two players slipped on the surface, causing Mrs Gleaves’ heart to stop (not literally), but they managed to get back up and carried on playing to save our team. It was a tough match, but with our strength and determination we managed to pull out a goal by Kyle but unfortunately Ledbury got four balls in the net before the time ended. We thank Freddie K, Kyle, Darcey, Mali, Meryl, Olivia and Bella for playing amazing games of netball.
