Well done to all the choir pupils who took part in the competitive class at The Courtyard Theatre on Tuesday. We came joint 2nd with a score of 87 (a Distinction) which meant we gave an excellent performance technically and artistically. Every school had to sing The Skye Boat Song and our second song was an arrangement of Amazing Grace. Here is what the adjudicator said about the pieces:
Skye Boat Song – “Lovely lilting melodic lines and all the rhythmical detail is confident. All the phrases are carefully shaped and there were some well graded dynamic variation. Good control on the final phrase and if you aim for a few more final consonants it will help to enhance this already polished performance.”
Amazing Grace – “Lovely sotto-voce opening and attention to the syncopated rhythmic structure. Good dynamic variation from the verse leading to the chorus. Again aim for a few more final consonants so that we hear all the words clearly. Lovely soloist and confident accompanying harmonies.”
I think we have our target for next year! Thank you to all the parents who came to support both KS1 and KS2 choirs, either as part of the trip or in the audience.