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Church Trips

Last Friday Class 2 visited Cradley Church as part of our Special Places topic in RE. We did a hunt around the Church looking for different objects that make the Church special. We found out about how the bells work and had a go at ringing them and then we used our senses

to see what we could see, hear, smell and touch inside the Church. We found out about St Francis and the special stained glass window dedicated to him. Thank you to Mr Pitt, Mrs Stevens and Mrs Mifflin for walking with us and supporting us.

On Tuesday Class 1 visited Cradley Church. It was a cold wintery walk but warm and welcoming at the Church. We searched for different items in the Church that we have been learning about. We heard all about St Francis and saw a beautiful window that tells his story. We heard the bell in the clock chime, smelt the beautiful flowers and touched the cold stone font. Thank you to Mrs Blewett and Mrs Pinchbeck who came with us.

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