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If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please speak to Miss Guy or a Class Teacher.



At Cradley School we hope that children know more and remember more through a curriculum that is coherently planned and sequenced, enabling children to thrive and be inquisitive, creative learners.  A key focus for our curriculum is questioning, we want to provide children with the skills required to think deeply about concepts taught and how they can be applied to different and unfamiliar contexts. 


Our curriculum aim is for it to be rich, varied and engaging, developing resilience and an excitement to learn, a key skill for their future. We encourage and promote British Values within our curriculum, encouraging an appreciation of differences and tolerance of each other through creativity, hoping to inspire and motivate all children to be the best they can be.



Curriculum subjects are taught thematically over 3 themes a year. We operate a 2 year rolling program for most subjects. 



 Subject leaders monitor all subjects once a term and update their subject's action plan. This could be done though book looks, pupil voice, conversations with teachers, questionnaires and lesson observations. 

Class teachers will keep records of the child's achievement of the skills progression which will then be passed to the next class teacher. Where a teacher sees that the children are not developing resilience, an excitement to learn, questioning and applying their learning to different and unfamiliar contexts, they will be adaptable in their planning and approach.


Our curriculum is fully inclusive, raising the support for the child, rather than lowering the curriculum focus. We aim to meet the needs of all children, through discussion with multiple agencies, early identification of need and parents. We then adapt the resources and support to meet all children's needs. We see the importance in supporting those children who have barriers to learning in core subjects so that they can still become fantastic geographers, historians, artists, designers, sportsman, philosophers, linguists, scientists, and programmers.  



Art Curriculum
National Curriculum for Art
Art Curriculum Overview 
Art at Cradley 
DT Curriculum 
National Curriculum for DT
DT Curriculum Overview
DT at Cradley 
Computing Curriculum 
National Curriculum for Computing 
Education for a connected world Framework
Computing Curriculum Overview 
Computing at Cradley 
Geography Curriculum
National Curriculum for Geography 
Geography Curriculum Overview 
Geography at Cradley 
History Curriculum 
National Curriculum for History
History Curriculum Overview 
History at Cradley 
Maths Curriculum

National Curriculum and "ready to progress" for Maths

Maths Curriculum Overview 

Maths at Cradley

Symbols Associated with Maths scheme

Calculation Policy 

MFL Curriculum 
National Curriculum for MFL
MFL Curriculum Overview 
MFL at Cradley 
Music Curriculum 
National Curriculum for Music 
Music Curriculum Overview - Charanga Music 
Music at Cradley 
PE Curriculum 
National Curriculum for PE
PE Curriculum Overview
PE at Cradley 
PSHCE Curriculum 
National Curriculum for PSHCE 
PSHCE Curriculum Overview - PSHCE Association 
PSHCE at Cradley 
RE Curriculum 
RE Curriculum - Herefordshire Agreed Syllabus 
RE Curriculum Overview
RE at Cradley
Science Curriculum
National Curriculum for Science 
Science Curriculum Overview

Science at Cradley 


English Curriculum 

National Curriculum for English 

Progression of Mastery Skills

Key Features of genres progression

English Unit Overview

English at Cradley


EYFS Curriculum

EYFS Unit Overview 24-25​

EYFS Unit Overview 25-26


Cultural Capital  

Cultural Capital at Cradley 

SMSC and FBV through our Curriculum 


Knowledge Organisers 
If you would like to know more about the curriculum for this term then please look at the Knowledge Organisers which will come home with your child in the first week of term. 
Curriculum Newsletters

Every term each class sends out a Curriculum Newsletter to their parents and carers.  This provides more detail about the curriculum that the children will be studying.  The latest newsletters are attached below:

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4​​​​

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